- Airports Can Opt-Out of TSA Screening in Favor of Private Companies.
- Surfaces that Keep the Ice Away. Or, de-icing through nanotechnology.
- Sea Life Flourishes in the Gulf.
- A Techno-Agrarian Manifesto. Or, what the heck are we going to do with all that empty space in Detroit?
- Surprise Link Between Weird Quantum Phenomena: Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle Sets Limits on Einstein’s ‘Spooky Action at a Distance’. Yeah, this one’s as brain-melty as the title implies. It’s worth a read just for the mind-expanding experience.
Linkpost, 11/16/10 to 11/19/10
Linkpost, 11/23/10
- Was the Big Bang Preceded by Another Universe (Which Was Preceded by Another Universe)? This is a link to the Popular Science article, which includes a link to the actual paper. (The Kotaku article didn’t.)
- Is the Ben Bernank Stupid Like a Fox? Apparently there’s some question whether the Fed is actually printing money, or just claiming to.
- Adam Savage Mythbusting Security. Now, I don’t think an Isreali-style profiling system would bother with Adam Savage, but this just goes to show how useless the “find the bomb” strategy really is.
- The Well-Pilfered Clavier. Tim Cavanaugh ponders the actual effectiveness of our current Intellectual Property approach.
Linkpost, 11/29/10 to 12/1/10
- A biochemist worries about the radiation levels to which air travelers (and TSA agents) are exposed to by the TSA’s new machines.
- Dark Jupiter May Haunt Edge of Solar System. We’ve been wondering about the way comets drop out of the Oort Cloud, and this might be an answer.
- Scientists trick cells into switching identities. Just more evidence that we don’t need no stinkin’ stem cell lines.
- The primitive social network: bullying required.
Linkpost, 12/13/10
I’m up early this morning because of this stupid cold, waiting for some tea to heat. While I wait, I figured I’d try and clear out my links. Today’s:
- FET, 1st Batallion, 8th Marines.
- More pictures of same. (It’s from Yahoo, so the link will go stale eventually. If anybody finds the original photos from Getty, let me know.)
- Trusted Traveler Program Lets Mexicans Skip Airport Security